​In June, 2015, I took a leap of faith…loaded my car with three weeks’ provisions, kissed my wife good-bye, and began a road trip that would bring me back to the place where I was born and raised.  I had stories to tell, and no idea how to tell them.  Arriving three days later on the shores of Lake Huron, I checked into a humble cabin on a Sunday evening, opened my computer at an old oaken desk, and stared at the screen.  I’ll never forget it…I prayed, “Okay, God…ya’ got me here.  You better start talking, ‘cause I got no idea what the hell You want from me!”

Photography & digital magic:  HJ McEnroe

For the next three weeks, I researched by day – pouring over archives and diaries, unearthing secrets on old country roads, visiting historic sites, walking among tombstones, interviewing locals – and wrote by night into the wee hours…as an angel whispered over my shoulder.  It was mystical, exhilarating and frightening.
Over the next four years, I wrote and re-wrote draft upon draft, prevailed upon my beloved beta readers to read and give critical feedback, and continued to sharpen my skills at writing good prose.  The result was not one, but two novels:
                        Charlie’s Ladder – Book I (a story of psychological healing)
                        Charlie’s Ladder – Book II: The Last Altar Boy (a story of spiritual healing)
“Well, great!” you might say.  “Just release them into the world!  Right…?!”
My challenge is this:  I fit no demographic that currently finds favor among stratified folk in the world of big publishing houses.  It’s just a fact.  Until now, two sets of eyes have been exposed to the final drafts of ‘Charlie.’  One is my editor; the other, a good childhood friend who recently reentered my life.  Here’s what they say:
“These books will change lives.  They have already changed mine.”  - Heather McEnroe
“Wait ‘til they see what’s coming out soon.  It’ll knock their socks off!  I can actually see this becoming a movie!  Seriously!!”  - Cindy Smith
I don’t know about changing lives or knocking off socks.  Changing perspectives?  Hopefully.
Publishing these novels through Gogisgi Press requires considerable capital.  To help raise that capital, I’ve established a website presence – where you are now.  As many of you know, The Butchers of Prague is currently available for purchase on this site (and thank you, again, to those who’ve already purchased and read that tale).  Stay tuned for the further adventures of “Max and Maggie Pierce” (coming in 2022).
Beginning now, you will find new poetry, short stories, audio books, sample chapters of a new book in progress, and video content exclusively on my Patreon portal.


​Now, I am asking you to take a leap of faith…
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already intrigued.  Knowing many of you as I do, you find value in reading or listening to stories with unforgettable characters.  Now, for as little as the cost of one cup of your favorite coffee or fountain drink each month, you’ll have access to much of it.  For the cost of two drinks, you’ll have it all.  Not only that; in exchange for monthly patronage on Patreon, you’ll receive a discount over the list price of each of the two “Charlie” novels, upon release.
Here's a taste (consider this your “free drink”):  the poem, Confession, was released last week on my Patreon portal.  It’s an example of merging visual and written art that you’ll often find nowhere else.  And there is much more coming soon.
So, whaddaya say?  May I count on you, knowing that you find value in adventures of the soul?  If, like me, you’ve been blest beyond measure by whatever, whomever God actually is…help me pay this forward.  I promise you, dear reader, soul-affirming adventures you’ll never forget.

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