Excerpt from The Worst Hospital in Prague:
Maggie and Mr. Kind Eyes both asked the crowd to back up. For a moment, they actually did.
But minutes passed, gawkers leaned in, whispering…generally being idiots. I lay writhing in pain, face on cold cobblestone, as the meat wagon pulled up. Two strapping lads stumble out, shuffling over to assess and ask what happened. I explain…and they both scurry off, returning with a gurney.
After trying to lift me, I think I yelled…something like, “NO, dammit! Let me roll onto the gurney!”
They dropped it beside me, stood up, adjusting their crotches. I flopped and rolled, like a dazed trout, more or less onto the gurney. In broken English, one of them murmurs to the other, “Mein Gott, he eez enormous!”
But minutes passed, gawkers leaned in, whispering…generally being idiots. I lay writhing in pain, face on cold cobblestone, as the meat wagon pulled up. Two strapping lads stumble out, shuffling over to assess and ask what happened. I explain…and they both scurry off, returning with a gurney.
After trying to lift me, I think I yelled…something like, “NO, dammit! Let me roll onto the gurney!”
They dropped it beside me, stood up, adjusting their crotches. I flopped and rolled, like a dazed trout, more or less onto the gurney. In broken English, one of them murmurs to the other, “Mein Gott, he eez enormous!”
Digital editing & magic, H.J. McEnroe

Maggie & Max were just looking for a little Christmas R&R from the usual grind and pressure of jobs and being American parents, What they found in a whimsical European detour was more than they bargained for.